Thursday, August 18, 2011

amateur hoarding...

at least that's what my house feels like right now. We have three dogs, three couches, two table, two tv stands, and various other clutter consuming our lives!!!  I just don't see how people become hoarders.  A real live hoarder would simply gawk at my collection and laugh, just as I would if I were them (if they were able to actually get out of the house and see someone else's cluttered world compared to theirs).

So, all old living room stuff is for sale and can't quite leave our abode fast enough. Luckily we have some prospects but there will be no light at the end of the tunnel til it's all hauled off and we actually have room to walk. At this point, I think the animals are even confused as to what's going on and exactly what order they should lay on each available piece of furniture. If you come to our house before it's gone, I promise we are not setting up for a fraternity style football watch party, we simply just haven't found the next owner for our goods. :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

in the beginning....

here we the beginning of the blogging phenomenon (for us anyway).

Two recently/newly (whatever that even means .- less than 1 yr)  married 30 year olds trying to take life in stride with all it brings. I work full time as an attorney and my husband is trying to finish his degree in business.

We've created a blog b/c that's what 30-somethings do when they have news to share with the masses in large clumps as opposed to flashing every little detail via facebook or twitter. Neither of which seem like a great way to make any documentation of the ups and downs of our life together....this will be way more fun to read back on later and laugh. Ha!

So.....we're the kells....and we're taking on the blogging world one post at a time.