Monday, December 5, 2011

Family pictures....

This weekend we had the fun of trying to get all three animals to cooperate with us for a fun filled family photo for our christmas cards! Many thanks to the Meacham family for their help in the wrangling of three dogs and taking photos! We sure couldn't  have done it without them! Merry Christmas to all!

Here are a few of the faves:

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Where does the time go.....

Wow so much to update! I've been busy and very slack in my posts! My apologies! I woke up and BAM, it's DECEMBER!!!!!

So last you all heard we had a 15 week ultrasound and were hoping to find out our "icing color". Well as most of you know, PINK won! We have a beautiful little baby girl growing in my belly and man, we are so excited to meet her! I can't wait to kiss her little cheeks! 

Avery Claire Kell is expected to arrive around April 8, 2012. Since our 15 week appointment, we were able to have a 20 minute ultrasound to determine our cupcake is a SHE and see all of her growing body parts. That ultrasound was amazing. At almost 17 weeks she weighed 6 oz and measured from crown to rump 4.5 inches with her little legs adding an extra 2 inches! Everything looked like it was growing normally and on target for her arrival in April. 

Casey started a new job working at the DFA for the State of Arkansas. We are so excited about this opportunity for him and he is loving it! We are grateful for the opportunities it will provide for our growing family as well.

We started working on the nursery as soon as we knew PINK was our color of choice! All the fabric for the swag curtains and the homemade bedding have been purchased. The bedding has been made and is waiting on a few minor adjustments before it takes it's place.  We even found a large canvas with a fun cupcake on it! So cute!!!!  Now, if I can just figure out how to make bloomers, tutus and headbands.....Daddy beware!!

At our 20 week ultrasound (yes two in a was a mommy to be's dream), our little cupcake weighed in at 10.5 oz with everything still looking great and growing right on target.  The next appointment is set for December 19th but with no ultrasound (sniff sniff). However, I'll get tested for gestational diabetes at that appointment wish me luck! 

For Thanksgiving, the Kells (me, Casey, Debe, Pop, Jerod) as well as the Jackson/Anderson crew (mom, billy, joel, bradley, hannah) and a few others ventured to the Redneck Riveria, Gulf Shores, Alabama! It was wonderful! We rented a big house and got to enjoy the beach in the fall. Debbie was and is doing great after her surgery and got to spend some time with the sand between her toes. We ate well, shopped a lot, and of course, had our hearts broken over the Arkansas loss to LSU. In spite of it, we still love our hogs and continue to call them....WPS!!!!

Now, we are back home and getting in the Christmas spirit. I love the Holidays!!  I love the shopping, the lights, the decorations, the music, the fellowship and the story of the Savior's birth. We have so much to be grateful for this year and are truly thankful!  As soon as the rest of the pictures download I'll be sure to share!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What's the icing color....

Last week we had our 15 week appointment with Dr. Sellers. Cupcake's heartbeat was trucking along between 150-155. This time Dr. Sellers said we're having a girl (last time it was a boy). So here we are again at the 50/50 chance of either!

Casey's 31st birthday is Friday! We are hoping to reveal cupcake's icing color at his birthday party. Hopefully cupcake will cooperate when we go for our ultrasound. If not, I've determined cupcake must be a stubborn little boy! lol

Things are going well for the Kell's. Casey got a new job and he starts on Halloween. We are very excited about his new opportunity and the opportunities it will provide for our family.  He has been working diligently on the nursery so we can get the furniture this week. I will post pics when we get it all setup!

In the meantime....let the voting begin!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

it's all in a heartbeat......

Wow, it's been a crazy few weeks!

I've gotten to hear cupcake's little galloping heartbeat, go to trial on a capital murder case, and spend time with family at the ICU while we have patiently (well mostly patiently) awaiting our "DEBE" to recover from her surgery.  So, now that trial is over and I'm moving on to the next one, DEBE is still in ICU but responding to us (yay....and thanks for all the many prayers and sweet thoughts -- we wouldn't be here without you), I finally have time to update the blog. 

So that's the short version of what's going on in Kell Khaos! I've attached the video of cupcake's heartbeat -- Casey recorded it so we could play it for all who wanted to listen. I told the Dr it sounded like a gallop and he said "that means it's a boy....just kidding". Ha! So time will tell! We hope to know what icing color our little cupcake will have at the end of this month ...if all the stars align!

So, enjoy our heartbeat....we really do now beat as one!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Cupcake Kell....

Now that it has been announced on's officially!

We are expecting a future razorback, who is currently name cupcake, icing color to be determined! 

We found out we were expecting August 1st. It's been such a wild ride! I can't believe I am already 10 weeks!! Time is flying by. We are 1/4 of the way through this thing they call pregnancy! It's amazing to read what is growing and developing from day to day.

Everyone is thrilled for our new addition who is scheduled to arrive in April 2012.  Below is cupcake's first photo opp....just a wee little peanut at the time but at least doubled in size since then.  ( I have tried and tried to get the pic to rotate with no luck)  We appreciate all the well wishes and congratulations!

We look forward to sharing our journey as well as our cupcake memories with each of you along the way!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hoarders no more....

Just in time for football season we have finally cleared the clutter. We are no longer the disgruntled owners of three couches and two tables along with various other odds and ends. Our living room doesn't look like we've setup for a frat party's football saturday (sigh....remembering those fun times).  We are, however, still the proud mama and papa of our three furkids, Tucker, Dude and Makenna. They survived the major cleanup and cleanout slightly confused about the locations of their beds but have managed to adjust. They are even sleeping in their kennels every night these days without a fuss. Thank goodness for small miracles!!!!

This past weekend I've cleaned out closets and downsized...sniff sniff. One girl really shouldn't be required to pack all of her faves into a tiny closet!!  She should at least get to keep two tiny! But it will all work itself, to just keep the shopping at bay....nah!!!!

This past weekend was the first weekend of college football....GO HOGS GO!!!  It was great to hang out with friends and cheer on the hogs...WPS!!  We are looking forward to continuously cheering them on throughout the coming months.

Also this weekend was the first glimpse of what FALL feels like. The high was 80 and it was sunny breezy and fabulous. In fact, it's supposed to be this way all week. Yay, finally a chance to wear boots and leggings...I feel like I've won the lottery!!!!  And, just in time for football season!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

amateur hoarding...

at least that's what my house feels like right now. We have three dogs, three couches, two table, two tv stands, and various other clutter consuming our lives!!!  I just don't see how people become hoarders.  A real live hoarder would simply gawk at my collection and laugh, just as I would if I were them (if they were able to actually get out of the house and see someone else's cluttered world compared to theirs).

So, all old living room stuff is for sale and can't quite leave our abode fast enough. Luckily we have some prospects but there will be no light at the end of the tunnel til it's all hauled off and we actually have room to walk. At this point, I think the animals are even confused as to what's going on and exactly what order they should lay on each available piece of furniture. If you come to our house before it's gone, I promise we are not setting up for a fraternity style football watch party, we simply just haven't found the next owner for our goods. :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

in the beginning....

here we the beginning of the blogging phenomenon (for us anyway).

Two recently/newly (whatever that even means .- less than 1 yr)  married 30 year olds trying to take life in stride with all it brings. I work full time as an attorney and my husband is trying to finish his degree in business.

We've created a blog b/c that's what 30-somethings do when they have news to share with the masses in large clumps as opposed to flashing every little detail via facebook or twitter. Neither of which seem like a great way to make any documentation of the ups and downs of our life together....this will be way more fun to read back on later and laugh. Ha!

So.....we're the kells....and we're taking on the blogging world one post at a time.