Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I'm a terrible blogger...

There...I said it. I totally have sucked at this blogging thing and I don't even have a newborn yet. Yikes! Looks like I'll be back dating posts for awhile!

So, on to the updating.....

January brought my 31st birthday. It was fabulous and spent, as always, in conjunction to the opening weekend at Oaklawn Jockey Club in Hot Springs to watch the ponies! Man, how I love that excitement! I must admit it tends to be slightly more fun when I can share in libations but that too will come soon enough! Also in January I got to see a few of my besties from law school! It was a fabulous time in Asheville, NC spent at the Grove Park Inn. If you ever get to go there, do it! It was beautiful and the spa was fabulous, even for a pregger!

In January we started classes...and a lot of them! We had a four week childbirth class where we learned all about breathing techinques, epidural needles, the lay of the land at St. Vincent, how to swaddle our baby, and the list goes on. I also took a breastfeeding class with Julie to get slightly familiar with the soon to be embarked upon baby feeding. I learned a lot but feel like there is still sooooo much left to learn. Here's hoping lil A makes it easier rather than more difficult. Fingers crossed...and toes...and whatever else counts!

Casey and I started a financial class with some friends of ours as well. It's 13 weeks and very motivated. Dave Ramsey has a great program. It's been such a help to meet with other people who are motivated to be debt free and give us perspective! We have been tackling our debt and making progress! So excited to be ablet to scream one day "WE'RE DEBT FREE"!! So, when you hear it...you've been warned!

February is here and almost gone. Time really does fly by! As I type I am 33 weeks 2/3 days depending on who you ask. We are 6.5 short weeks from meeting our baby girl (if not sooner). My Bunco ladies threw me a surprise baby shower at this month's bunco. It was so super sweet and lil A got lots of fabulous goodies.

Ave and her father sent me flowers for Valentine's Day. It was so sweet! A week later I still have the flower on my desk. Ahhh, happy! 

This past weekend I was so fortunate to be involved in three fun things! One, a  great friend and breastfeeding class buddy, Julie welcomed a little boy into the world on Friday. Grayson Thomas arrived and is perfect. I was able to hold and snuggle his preciousness on Friday afternoon. Can't wait for he and Ave to be besties like their moms!!!  Second, another long time friend's bridal shower! So excited for her and her upcoming nuptials. She deserves all the happiness in the world! Third was my baby shower from my fabulous friends. Wow, such a sweet blessing they are! I got to see some ladies I haven't seen in quite some time and it made my heart happy! We really are so blessed and so grateful for all the support we have been given!

As I get them downloaded, I'll update the blog with pics from all the previously stated events and try to do better with my upcoming posts!