Monday, September 12, 2011

Cupcake Kell....

Now that it has been announced on's officially!

We are expecting a future razorback, who is currently name cupcake, icing color to be determined! 

We found out we were expecting August 1st. It's been such a wild ride! I can't believe I am already 10 weeks!! Time is flying by. We are 1/4 of the way through this thing they call pregnancy! It's amazing to read what is growing and developing from day to day.

Everyone is thrilled for our new addition who is scheduled to arrive in April 2012.  Below is cupcake's first photo opp....just a wee little peanut at the time but at least doubled in size since then.  ( I have tried and tried to get the pic to rotate with no luck)  We appreciate all the well wishes and congratulations!

We look forward to sharing our journey as well as our cupcake memories with each of you along the way!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray, congratulations! Okay, I knew I should have called you last week, but I will soon. I want to hear all about everything! I hope you are feeling well and can't wait to find out what you are having!
